Bloom's Taxonomy
Knowledge - What happened when Jack and Bigger left the pool room?
When they left the pool room they went to watch a move, where bigger noticed that he would be working for the girl in the movie, Mary Dalton.
Application - What Questions would you ask Bigger?
How do you feel about iving in an one room apartment?
Why didnt you just take Mary in her room and leave?
Why did you confess to the charges when your lawyer wasnt present?
Comprehension - What is One Thing That Happened Chat Could Have Changed the whole Book if it Didn't?
The event that happened in the book that could have changed the whole book if it didn't happen is the murder of Mary Dalton. If this murder would have not have ever happen i think Bigger's life would have gone in another direction. This murder lead to him murdering Bessie and going to jail to face murder charges. If he would not have murdered Mary he would probably still be working for the Dalton's.
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