Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bloom's Taxonomy

Knowledge - What happened when Jack and Bigger left the pool room?
When they left the pool room they went to watch a move, where bigger noticed that he would be working for the girl in the movie, Mary Dalton.

Application - What Questions would you ask Bigger?
How do you feel about iving in an one room apartment?
Why didnt you just take Mary in her room and leave?
Why did you confess to the charges when your lawyer wasnt present?

Comprehension - What is One Thing That Happened Chat Could Have Changed the whole Book if it Didn't?
The event that happened in the book that could have changed the whole book if it didn't happen is the murder of Mary Dalton. If this murder would have not have ever happen i think Bigger's life would have gone in another direction. This murder lead to him murdering Bessie and going to jail to face murder charges. If he would not have murdered Mary he would probably still be working for the Dalton's.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Chapter Analysis

Chapter 1 pgs. 1-12
Title: Wake Up Bigger

As this book took part in the tough times of the south side of Chicago during the 1930's were many blacks weren't being as equal as the white man. So the middle of the night everyone is sleep and tired so an alarm clock goes off and a voice goes off in a bad tone saying '' Bigger shut that off please I'm still trying to get some sleep''. So Bigger shut it off as he quickly made his way to the bathroom as got in the shower getting his self clean as he got out the bathroom and put his clothes and quickly is making his way to the kitchen and turn on the lights and sees a rat and does everything to try kill it but finally Bigger gets it and kills it and leaves the house to hang out. Richard Wright was point out that the it was tough during the 1930's where they didn't have big house it was just one room and you have to share the room and it wasn't alot of room to share and rat and thos kind of things will come in your house.

Chapter 3 pgs. 23-36
Title: Planning The Big Heist

In chapter three, Bigger and his freinds Gus, Jack, and GH meet at old Doc's pool room discussing their big heis. At first it started with Bigger and Gus and GH hanging out at old Doc's smoking, playing game, and having a conversation about Bigger getting a new job. all of the sudden the word Old Blum came out of Bigger mouth. The gang started asked Bigger why all of the sudden his bringing Old Blums name, bigger then said because they were going to rob him. They as soon as bigger breing up robbering a white person the gang started to get nervouse. Gus with angry said is not going to do the robbery, and the rest of the agreed with him. that robbing a white would mean entering into new territory and dealing with cops. But this idea of robbering old Blums didn't borther Bigger that much, even though he was the scariest of them all. Bigger and Gus got into an aguement with almost lead to a fihgt. while the gang were debating about robbering Old Blums, Old Doc was listening to their conversation. Doc's with the fear of the gang robbing him told them to leave. Richard wright wrote this chapter to compare and contrast of Black boy robbery thier community and the white community. And also to show the world that cops in the 1930's dont care so much about black on black crime, but they do care about black on white crime.

Chapter 4 pgs. 36-41
Title: I Dare You!

In this chapter, Bigger and all the
rest of his gang are waiting for Gus to get back at
the pool hall, so that they can go rob the store.
Bigger does not want to go and rob the store, because
a white man owns it. So without letting his friends
know that he is scared to go, he tortures Gus, once
Gus arrives at the pool hall. Bigger realizes that Gus
was made it back in time enough for them to rob the
store, so he makes it seem like Gus was late, by
putting a knife down his shirt and making him lick it
as well as many other horrible and degrading things.
Once Bigger is done torturing Gus, Gus throws a pool
ball and hits Bigger in his head. Bigger then tries to
hit Gus back but everyone holds him back to stop him
from killing Gus. Doc, the pool hall owner starts to
laugh at Bigger, which makes Bigger really mad. Bigger
then takes his rage out on the pool table by cutting
it up with his knife. Doc then pulled out his gun and
told Bigger that if he did not get out, he would shoot
him. Bigger told Doc “I Dare You!”

Places To Do Service Learning

1. 23rd PAL 1845 N. 23rd Street, 19121
(23rd St. & Montgomery Avenue)
St. Elizabeth's RC Church 215.684-0332

2.Frederick Douglass Elementary School
2118 W. Norris Street
Philadelphia, PA 19121 215.684.5063